Investment company CapitalOne from Belgrade becomes market maker on two shares

As of November 28 investment company CapitalOne from Belgrade shall perform the tasks of market maker in Soja protein shares (SJPT) and Veterinarski zavod Subotica (VZAS). Trading on the Belgrade SE thus obtained three securities for which there are signed agreements for market making, which are, at the same time, the first market making agreements signed on the domestic market since 2011.

The role of market makers is to ensure the required minimum liquidity threshold for securities for which a member has signed a contract, that, at the same time, eases the trading in those securities and increases investor confidence by reducing the risk of liquidity and lowering the implicit transaction costs.

Futher strengthen of the CapitalOne’s offer of investment activity, as one of the most active members of the Belgrade Stock Exchange in the past, is expected by this move, contributing, at the same time, to the development of this segment of the financial market. Moreover, it is expected that this move will lead to increased liquidity in trading on the selected securities – shares of Sojeprotein from Becej and Veterinarski Zavod from Subotica.

% 0,04%
31.05.2024. 14:01:01More
Source NBS, 31.05.2024.
Market Capitalization - 31.05.2024.
449.746.177.946 RSD
3.840.652.579 EUR

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