Total number of shares:79A B C Č Ć D Đ E F G H I J K L Lj M N Nj O P Q R S Š T U V X W Y Z Ž 0-9 all
Total number of issuers:79Searched : 'O'    Securities found : 2
IssuerSymbolDate of profile releaseLatest News
BIObnova a.d. , BeogradOBNV12.05.2021.06.05.2021.
BIOdžačar a.d. u likvidaciji, SomborODZS10.03.2021.10.05.2021.

BI - denotes issuers who did not revise their Profiles about the Issuer until 30th April of the current year with data from the annual financial report for the previous year